Five Key Tricks to Pass Your CFA Level 1 Exam Around the First Attempt

Investing in the 300 hours of study prep is very little guarantee to passing your CFA Level 1 exam around the first attempt.

The research techniques & the research material you utilize will play an important part in your success or failure.

Therefore, it’s of vital importance that you apply the tried & tested study methods & use the best study notes to give this tough exam.

5 Key Tips That will assist you Pass Your CFA Level 1 Exam

1. Get the Best Study Material, Practice Questions & Past Exams

Getting the best study materials, including books, study guides, prep books & videos, will stand you in good stead.

Doing past papers is among the easiest ways of making sure that you already know the material well as well as supplying you with the confidence that you will want to give the test.

2. Be aware of test Format

Knowing the exact format of the exam will ensure that we now have stay away from surprises & that there are no chance of panic setting in that may happen in case you are surprised with something unexpected.

So simply to recap, the format of the CFA level 3 will be as follows;

Format: multiple-choice


240 equally weighted questions

Morning Session: 120 questions;

Afternoon Session: 120 questions

Each question has three answer choices

Normally, 1.A few moments needs to be allocated for every question

3. Revise the pad Three to four weeks Before the Exam

You cannot revise enough – in reality the harder you revise & the harder practice questions & exams you need to do the harder confident you will become for tackling the test not to mention being much more comfortable & proficient with all the principles.

So give yourself a minimum of 30 days before d-day to accomplish as many EOC (End of Chapter) questions & QBank (Schweser) as you can to make sure you are familiar with every one of the material & principles.

4. Read & Understand Each Question Carefully

Due to the time restraints & the pressure of sitting the test, a common mistake is always to misunderstand something & therefore opt for the wrong answer.

It will pay out the comission to spend a little extra time reading the issue properly so we don’t misinterpret it & whether it seems too involved & too time-consuming you can choose to leave it & look at another you could tackle & answer quickly.

Time management is critical – wasting too much effort on time consuming questions could mean missing easier questions & wasting easy marks

5. There is certainly Only One Correct Answer

Be precise even if you have to sacrifice a little extra time to get your calculation right.

Do not rush becoming you may turn out using energy as well as passing up on receiving a not too difficult question right.

Silly mistakes will set you back valuable marks.

Finally, it wouldn’t be overemphasised how important it’s to make use of the top study materials as well as doing mock exams – get these two things right & your chances of passing the amount 1 exam will be greatly enhanced.
More info about CFA level 3 explore this useful internet page: click

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